Sunday, October 6, 2013

A wee update

Hola! It's been a while. 

Here's the scoop on the sugar-free attempt. We started off strong that Monday, but by Tuesday afternoon the shakes had set in and I was talking to myself (which I can tell you is not a good sign, especially since I work at a psych hospital). 

Anywho, on to a new update: my pixie growth update! It has been almost 3 months since I underwent the chop. In that time I have had two baby trims. This last one was a bit of a mess. An in even-I-had-to -go-in-andevenitup kinda mess. But I survived. 

And lo, here is the progress:

This was my starting point for reference.

And here it is today:

And here: 

Excuse the ridiculous, hammy faces. It's hard to take a good selfie. #firstworldproblems

Here are the sides: 

FYI, my iPad camera mirrored the images. Sorry.

So all in all, I'm happy with the progress. I long to have a beautiful bob and to not be stuck with one look day in and day out but I'm being patient. I'm enjoying this process and trying to accessorize. I'm famous for my headbands at work these days. 


I have found a really, really great blog and hair that I'm aspiring to have. Sadly, I can't do any fancy, clicky hyperlinks to this website (again, blame the iPad). Copy and paste away:

She also has a really great post on other blogs that give pixie growth tips. So that's the update. Thanks again for reading. Have a wonderful week!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

New beginnings

Hello all! 
This week marks a new beginning - the girls at work and I are trying to go without sugar. More like added sugar in things. It should be an interesting week and I vow to keep you updated on my progress or lack there of. 

In the mean time, enjoy this picture of Mogi and his new pal from Ikea, Maus.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pixie Growth - 6 weeks

Aloha all!
 I'm in my 6th week of my pixie grow out and I wanted to document the process so far. I've seen a lot of progress pictures but they tend to be the later stages, not the awkward phases. So here I am, to walk you through tips and tricks to making this process slightly less awkward. It's going to be a learning curve... Join me won't you? 

Here is my pixie fresh after my salon trip:  

Notice the angled, sharp bangs. 

And here is after a few weeks (maybe like 4 weeks post haircut):

We are venturing into bowl-cut territory and honestly, I wasn't feeling the best about how it was looking. 

I don't have a good picture of the mini mullet... If it makes a reappearance, I'll be sure to snap a picture. I think the real key with this process is shaping and trimming the back. Also accessories, as you'll see below.

Here is my hair today after a sweet $5 trim (note the little clippity do-dah):

And the back:

I'm feeling sooooo much happier with just the little bit blended and trimmed. I'm tellin' ya, best $5 I spent this week :)

Again a recap of tips to navigate this in-between stage:

- Keep up with regular trims
- Shape and taper as needed
- Accessories are your best friend, experiment and make your own!
- Be patient! I'm telling myself to enjoy the process and play with new styles. Don't stress out about the lack of progress, you'll get there!
- If it makes you feel more productive, go ahead and take those vitamins and biotin. I'm not but you sure can!

Let me know your hair growth tips! 

Look forward to more updates! I'll be back soon!

XOXO Camella

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weekly favorites (August 3rd, 2013)

Greetings and salutations!
I wanted to do another edition of weekly favorites. I didn't include a ton of items in this list because I tended to use the same things every day. Wah, the life of a busy lady.

First up, this gorgeous body wash. I am in love with this scent! It's kind of musky but oh so sweet. Upon inspection of the bottle, it is just as I suspected - a fruity, floral musk. Best part? It was $3!

Next, I've been trying to accessorize more with my hair. Cue these cute little clips. I DIYed the flower clips so if you want a tutorial, lemme know.

The last thing I wanted to include was something I'm sure you've seen before. Dum da da dummmm... The Naked Basics pallet. I know, I know. I'm a minimalist at when it comes to make up. I really like the colors in this pallet and I like even more that they're matte. 

That's it for this weeks favorites! What are your favorites?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Seven for Saturday

Typically I do these on Sunday, but today wanted to mix it up... So I present to you "Seven for Saturday."

Pride and Prejudice - the BBC version with a delicious Colin Firth as Mr Darcy. 

The Monster of Florence BUT I have a huge reading to-do list. See evidence below:

Next on my list is The Bell Jar. I'm told it's consuming.

A new pair of riding boots for fall. 

That Saturdays lasted forever.

That Mr Darcy... Yum.

Feminism, a lot more lately. What does it all mean and why does it matter...

Quitten cuddles...

Love this little monster.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Top five ways to de-stress, pronto

Hello all, happy Saturday! 
This week has been about as busy as anything - I feel like I was running every-which-way with no relief in sight. Add that to working a Saturday (six days in a row) and you get the idea. I was slightly frazzled this week, so I wanted to share my top five ways to de-stress in a jiffy.

1. Give yourself a fancy mani.
Hubs and I are on a tight budget and I blush to admit I haven't ever gotten my nails done professionally. I tend to do them myself and have found as long as I'm practice patience, they turn out alright. If I'm really into it, I'll soak my nails in some warm, soapy water, slather on some lotion, push back my cuticles... the whole nine yards. I use the OPI Ridge Filler as my base coat. Recently, I've been loving Zoya nail polish. They're an awesome brand and BONUS they're cruelty-free and vegan I believe. The topcoat I've been loving is the Sally Hansen quick dry top coat (red bottle). 

2. Hugging these bad boys.

Sure, they cause undue amounts of trouble, but look at those faces. Precious.

3. Hugging this fellow

This guy still makes my heart smile, after 7 years together and 3 wonderous years of wedded bliss.

4. Hot baths, 'nuff said.

5. Hours and hours of Jane Austen movies. Personal faves include "Persuasion" and "Mansfield Park." Add in a glass of good (or cheap) wine and you're home free.

Obviously, some of these aren't necessarily "in a jiffy" but I'm a huge advocate of taking time for yourself every day.

How do you like to unwind in a pinch?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cartilage piercing: 3 weeks

So today I just wanted to talk about my cartilage piercing, my experience and some helpful tips and tricks for the healing process. I got it when I was up north visiting the fam for 4th of July holiday weekend... So pretty much 2ish weeks ago. 

Let me start off by saying that if your sister tells you it won't hurt, she's lying. It hurts, not terribly but it is a bit of a pinch, a painful pinch. Then it aches... for days.

The first tip I will give you as given to be by Em, said sister, and that is get it done on the side you sleep on the least since you won't want to even think of touching it for days upon days. For me, that's my left side. I'm just now to the point where I can kind of sleep on my right side if I pad my face just so. 

The next tip is DO NOT TOUCH IT OR TWIST IT WITH DIRTY HANDS. This is so important because you definitely do not want to introduce new bacteria to a healing piercing. Always wash your hands. I would even avoid hand sanitizer as most people don't use it properly. Better to be safe than infected. 

Clean it often, but do it gently. I used the solution from the place I got pierced, Em used salt water spray. The choice is up to you! I used a mix of cotton balls and q-tips one it healed a but more. 

Over all, it wasn't too bad. I'd do it again for sure. Don't be silly when it comes to getting poked. Do your research and be super careful. I kinda did mine on a whim which I wouldn't necessarily recommend ;) 

Let me know your tips for fresh piercings! 

- Camella